+ 91 9370998880 citspray@gmail.com


Neem Essential Oil


Neem oil has been used in traditional folk medicine and as a home remedy for acne because of the aspirin-like compound that helps rid the skin of bacteria. It also helps reduce redness and inflammation. The high fatty-acid content in neem oil is said to prevent and treat scars from acne and is non-comedogenic.

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“Why it is good for you:

  • For Skin- Neem oil acts like a skin conditioner by helping in removing acne, blackheads and dryness of the skin making it a perfect skin toner.It is also easily absorbed into the skin making it smooth and soft.The oil is highly effective in reducing the signs of ageing.
  • For Hair -Neem oil soothes, moisturizes the scalp and helps prevent the occurrence of dandruff and lice.
    It conditions the hair right from the root & makes it vibrant and silky.The oil is rich in nutrients which help to strengthen the hair, prevent split ends and hair fall.Its antiseptic properties help to keep infections and mosquito’s away.
  • For minor Cuts and Bruises applying neem oil on the affected area reduces inflammation and soothe the skin.”
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Bottle, Spray


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